Is Your Diet Contributing To Your Depression?

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You have probably heard the phrase “you are what you eat,” but have you ever stopped to think about how true that is?  Most Americans consume what is called the standard American diet, and it is not the healthiest diet.  It is one of the reasons we see an increase in health problems.  Many people think they can take a supplement to replace what they are not getting by eating a poor diet.  Unfortunately, it does not work that way.  While the supplements might be helping, there is damage occurring in your body due to a lack of nutrients.    

When it comes to conditions like depression, it is essential to consume healthy foods to promote brain health.  To keep the electrical activity in your brain working correctly you need to eat foods that contain omega 3, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other components.  Scientists have discovered that foods like green vegetables, walnuts, apples, citrus fruits, avocados, and certain fish can benefit brain function, especially those experiencing depression.

As a family practice and functional medicine practitioner, I specialize in treating patients with a history of depression and anxiety.  Many of my patients have reached a point where their current treatment with conventional medicine is not allowing them to achieve their goals.  Their depression has affected every aspect of their life, and they are desperate to regain control.  Using a functional medicine approach to evaluate diet, lifestyle choices, and genetics, I help my patients get to the root cause of their depression so that it can be treated once and for all.  

Are you suffering from a mood disorder such as depression or anxiety? Do you feel like the treatment you have had is not helping you? If so, I would encourage you to learn more about this program by scheduling a free 15-minute call - Let’s discuss your issues, and see if my program is right for you. I have designed a program that specializes in treating mood disorders as well as optimizing your whole health. Could your diet be the reason you are feeling the way you feel? Contact me today for a consultation, so you can take control of your depression and get back to living the life you love.

Watch my full video on this topic here:

Philip Kimsey

Board certified family physician and functional medicine practitioner with over 28 years of clinical experience.

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