Live your BEST life!

About the Foothills Functional Medicine Practice.

Thank you for checking out my website and learning more about me and my Georgia-based practice, Foothills Functional Medicine.  We are located in northeast Georgia at the foothills of the Blueridge Mountains. Foothills Functional Medicine is a Telehealth Functional Medicine provider for the entire state of Georgia. Dr. Kimsey can provide at-home services for patients within 15 miles of Gainesville, Georgia.

Foothills Functional Medicine’s Telehealth services are perfect for the traditional working person or a parent whose full-time job is raising children and those who have trouble getting out of the home. Those living in areas without a functional medicine provider can benefit greatly from Foothills Functional Medicine’s telemedicine format.

As a family physician, I am used to treating patients with a wide range of health issues. That is why I offer a functional medicine approach to general wellness in order to address a variety of underlying, chronic health issues. So, why does Foothills Functional Medicine also specifically support and care for those who carry the diagnosis of depression or anxiety?  Because in my 27 years of practicing medicine those patients that suffer from depression and anxiety seem to struggle the most with their health journey. This is precisely why Foothills Functional Medicine has chosen to also devote a focus on those who carry the diagnosis of depression or anxiety.

If you suffer from depression, an anxiety disorder, or any other chronic health issues and want to discover how to be a healthier you, then now is the time to take action and learn about how Foothills Functional Medicine can help!  Reach out to me via the contact link to schedule a free discovery call with me. Together we will explore if my clinical offerings are a fit for you.  Let me help you on your journey to discovering the healthiest you.

Home Visit Services:

Provided to those who live within 15 miles of Gainesville Georgia. This will incur an additional charge.

Telehealth Services:

Services are provided for the entire state of Georgia!